In 1906, young Robert Eugene Otto received a doll from his family’s servant.
It was, at first blush, unremarkable: a doll of wire, cloth and straw, with beige skin and human-like hair. It wore an outfit similar to that of an American Naval officer.
But the doll held an ominous secret that would reveal itself in time.

You see, legend has it that the Otto family, who lived in Key West, Florida, weren’t kind to their servants. One servant, a Bahamian woman, grew tired of her mistreatment.
Some say she was skilled in voodoo and black magic. As an act of revenge, she infused a doll with dark spirits, and cursed it with hatred. She crafted it with human blood and hair, and stuffed it with rags soaked in the liquid of the dead. It was this doll she bestowed upon young Robert.
A terrible gift.
A Haunted Soul

Robert Eugene Otto, unaware of its sordid history, took to the doll almost immediately.
He named it Robert, after himself (he actually went by his middle name, Gene). His parents would hear him late at night conversing with Robert the Doll, and sometimes — perhaps it was their imaginations, or was that strange, guttural voice really coming from their son? — they could hear the doll speaking back.
Gene would go on to blame Robert the Doll for countless strange occurrences. Plates falling from tables, lamps falling from walls. Torn clothing and misplaced objects littered throughout the house.
His parents, when reprimanding him, would simply be met with the reply, “Robert did it.”
Eventually, Gene grew older and traveled to Paris to pursue a career in art. He got married, and life went on. However, when he and his wife returned and moved back into his old Victorian home in Key West, Gene made special accommodations for the doll. It was still very important to him.
He constructed a small room in the third floor turret, scaled perfectly for Robert’s size. He placed small furniture inside. Robert sat in a chair, motionless. Most of the time, of course.
Allegedly, neighbors would claim they could see Robert the Doll through the third-floor windows, moving from room to room. The sound of laughter occasionally echoed throughout the house, as well, glimpses of shadows as the doll made its nightly walkabouts.
In 1974, Gene died and Anne moved away. But Robert remained, and the strange occurrences continued to be reported by new occupants and utility workers.
Unexplained footsteps, strange noises, laughter. Some would turn their backs on the strange little doll, and it would have moved, just slightly, when they looked again.
The Curse Continues
The doll was lost in time, packed away by nervous occupants who couldn’t bare to keep it in plain sight. It eventually surfaced again, however, when a new family found the doll in the attic.
Their 10-year-old daughter welcomed the old doll, becoming its new owner. But she, too, would learn of its secret terrors. She would scream in the night, shouting that Robert was moving. On at least one occasion, she claims (to this day, in fact), that the doll tried to kill her.
Robert the Doll was ultimately given to the East Martello Museum, where it has been on display — locked behind glass — ever since.
For two weeks every year, it’s brought to the Custom House in Key West, where visitors may have a look for themselves.

A word of caution, however:
You may be wondering about all those notes and papers pinned to the wall in this photograph.
Before taking a picture of Robert the Doll when he is on display, each person must first ask for his permission. If his head tilts, that means permission has not been granted. Those letters were sent to the museum by people who dared to tempt the curse of Robert the Doll, who didn’t ask for permission. They contain true testimonies of the bad luck and misfortune that followed.
In those letters, they ask for forgiveness.
For those in the comments, however, you should be able to rest easy! The curse says nothing about simply viewing his photos online, or reading his story!
Don’t disrespect me like that.
Are all these people apologizing to Robert because they’ve had bad experiences due to viewing him online?!? Or is it just that nobody wants to take any chances!?!?
And, being no fool, I am apologizing to you, Robert. I give you high regards and I wish you well.
Sorry Robert i respect you in many ways and you are very cool. Plz don’t hurt my family or me. Have a beautiful day or night.
Hello, Robert! Much respect goes to you. Please forgive me for looking at your photographs and reading this article, I ask for your forgiveness and not to hurt my family. Thank you!
I sincerely apologize to you Robert for reading about you and looking at pictures of you. It is very disrespectful of me for doing this to you without your permission first.
I’m so so sorry Robert. Please don’t hurt me or anyone of my family. Don’t hurt my friends.
I’m sorry I saw your face without your permission many times. I just wanted a website to say sorry to you!
never new you were a true story, just curious about your legacy Robert… I apologize for not asking first. sorry Robert
I’m sorry Robert please forgive me I didn’t know about having your permission so sorry
sorry Robert i am very very very sorry please forgive me and my friend thanks and i respect you very very very much sorry
I’m very sorry for viewing your photos and researching you without your permission Robert
I’m sorry Robert, i saw your pictures online and i read your story. Please forgive me
I’m sorry Robert I shouldn’t have looked at you
I’m sorry Robert.
Robert I am sorry if me or my family offended you in any way.
I’m very sorry Robert for looking you up online and seeing pics of you that might have been taken without your permission
Truth is ., you NEVER mess with the supernatural! You have NO control over that stuff! My aunt was into voodoo. When she died, we came into possession of a wall decoration. It was one of those pieces that consisted of a wooden frame, a candle in a glass, and a little mirror. Just above the glass was a neatly carved wooden face. When we put that thing in the house, you could feel this eerie “force and presence” that came from it. Then the freak accidents started to occur. And the nightmares. We sent this object to John Zaffis ( NO return address! ) and instructed him to lock the object in a box PERMANENTLY! Upon getting rid of this decorative wall piece, all the freaky accidents stopped, and the awful eerie feelings went away! My assessment of “Robert” is this: The only SAFE way to even “look” upon him is through pictures posted online! That cursed doll may be even more dangerous than Ed and Lorraine Warren’s doll “Annabel!!!”
I either have a cursed hat, or fishing is a dangerous activity. My great grandfather and grandfather both died while fishing, wearing the same hat. Luckily, I don’t fish and the hat doesn’t fit me.
I’m sorry Robert.
Im sorry robert.
Robert, I apologize for viewing a photograph of you without your permission.
I’m sorry Robert
I believe in you Robert. Just wanted to learn more about your legend. Truly Sorry I didn’t ask first
Im sorry Robert, please forgive me.
Robert I
I am sorry I viewed pictures of you online and read your story please forgive me.
im sorry robert i am totally sorry i didnt mean to
I’m so so sorry I watched your video… It won’t happen again I’m sorry please forgive me..
I’m sorry, Robert.
Robert, I’m sorry I didn’t ask your permission. I was just learning about you. Please forgive me.
Hello Robert,
My brother sincerely apologise for looking at your photo without your permission. 💕
Me too whoops sorry 😔
I’m sorry Robert. I was just learning about you. Please forgive me ❤️
I am also. I have nothing but respect for you, Robert, and all I wanted was to research about you in order to learn how people ask you questions, and I also apologise for saving your photos to my camera roll. I made a TikTok video about you, and i will now delete it and explain why. My apologies, have a nice day.
I’m sorry robert I was just learning about you online. And I am sorry for looking at your pictures without permission.
Good Evening Robert,
I sincerely apologise, I came across a few photos of by accident, and I’m not sure if those photos were taken without permission. I am sorry if I have offended you by any means .
Sincerely, kind regards,
Hi Robert, I am sorry I viewed your pictures online without your permission. Just wanted to learn about your story
I’m sorry Robert for read your story and view your photos without your permission, I’m really sorry.
Plz forgive me Robert I saw your pic online plz forgive me
Again am super sorry Robert
I’m sorry Robert I saw your picture online and read about you, just wanted to learn about you. I’m really sorry.
I’m sorry Robert, I came across your story and pictures online and wish to respect you.
I’m sorry Robert…i get really curious about your history. I’m sorry for not asking a permission… To know your history.. I’m really sorry Robert…
I am sorry Robert, I just wanted to know more about you
We are sorry Robert we just wanted to get to know more about you.
Sorry Robert I like to read up about scary things and you came up in my search, I apologize for reading up about you online. You are very interesting :)
I’m sorry for reading about you, Robert. Please forgive me.
I’m very sorry, Robert, for viewing photographs of you online, reading information about you, and almost watching the YouTube video about you that did not have permission. I hope you can forgive me for my curiosity.
I’m very sorry Robert, I’m just interested in your story. Please forgive me.
I am sorry Robert for looking at pictures and videos of you without permission I was just interested about you. I am very sorry.
Sorry Robert for looking into your story more without your permission. You are quite the handsome fellow and I didn’t know i couldn’t look you up online. I honestly thought it was just taking a picture, so please forgive me.
Sorry for reading about you, watching videos and viewing pictures of you without your permission. Please forgive me Robert.
I’m sorry Robert for viewing pictures of you without permission I was just interested in your story. I’m sorry
I sorry Robert for looking at you history and pictures, and looking you up online, Please for give me.
Im sorry, Robert, I didnt know I wasn’t supposed to look you up. I just wanted to learn about you and your story.
I’m sorry Robert that I looked you up and viewed videos of you without your permission, I just wanted to know more about you, I hope you can forgive me.
Im sorry Robert for not asking for permission first I hope you will forgive me youre very extraordinary
I sorry Robert for looking at you history, pictures, looking you up online, and watching videos about you. Please for give me.
Hi, Robert. I am very sorry for looking you up and reading about you without your permission. Please forgive me
I’m sorry Robert for looking you up, forgive me.
Hi Robert, I’m truly sorry for looking you up, please forgive me
I am truly sorry Robert for looking you up online and looking at the history,pictures and other things related to you. I am just very interested in you and your story and relationship with Gene
Please forgive me.
I’m sorry Robert for reading about you and watching videos about you without your permission. Please forgive me.
Sorry Robert for searching you up. I did not realise you may not like it until after. Please accept my apologies
Dear Robert,
I’m sorry for looking you up online. I had no idea that you wouldn’t like that. I should have asked for permission. Please forgive me.
Kind regards and best wishes :)
Dear Robert,
May you find peace within and only respect. I’m sorry for looking you up online without permission. Please accept my apologies. I wish only the best and kind regards.
I’m sorry Robert for reading about you. Please be kind And accept my apologies.
Yes sorry Robert for looking you up without your permission
I’m sorry Robert, I didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to look you up, I hope you can forgive me
Sorry Robert I’m truly sorry for looking you up with out your permission, please do accept my apologies.
Robert, im sorry we looked you up without permission. Please accept our apologies
I’m sorry for researching you without permission Robert. Please accept my apologies.
Sorry Robert for looking you up without your permission. I was curious. Please forgive me.
Dear Robert, Im truly Sorry for searching you up without your permission, Please forgive me
Dear Robert, please forgive me for looking you up, without your permission… please
Dear Robert, please forgive me for looking you up, without your permission. Please forgive me
Dear Robert,
Please forgive me for researching your story on the internet. I was not aware that you would not approve of that. Please accept my apologies.
Dear Robert,
Please forgive me for researching about you on the internet with out your permission. Please accept my deepest apologies.
Sorry Robert for researching you without permission. Please forgive me and accept my deepest apologies. -Nae
Dear Robert,
My sincerest apologies for researching you without your permission. I wish you well with the utmost respect.
– Alexa
Dear Robert,
I am truly sorry for researching about you online and looking at your photos and for watching a video about you without your permission. I was just curious about you after watching the TV series “Lore”. I did not know that I needed your permission to do so. Please accept my apology and forgive me.
Dear Robert, I am sorry for researching you on the internet and looking at pictures of you without your permission. I hope you accept my apology.
Sincerely, John
Dear Robert,
I am sorry for once again viewing your pictures online without your permission. I hope you forgive me and have a wonderful day.
Dear Robert,
Your agreement says I can’t take pictures of you, therefore I look at you without apologizing. Don’t break your own contract.
robert – please forgive me for looking at pictures of you without your permission. you deserve to be respected and i sincerely apologize.
My dearest Robert The Doll please accept my sincere apologies for viewing you’re very handsome photograph an I was not aware that I could not view photos of you so I hope you can accept my sincere apologies p.s I believe in demons and curses and powers and if you could please bless/curse me with awesome powers
My apologies Robert. I was unaware that I should not view photos of you without your permission. I was just curious about you, please accept my apology and have a good day.
Dear Robert,
My sister and I are truly sorry that we searched you up online and looked at pictures of you without your permission. I hope that you can forgive us because we meant no harm and had no intention to upset you
I am very sorry Robert
Dear Robert,
Please forgive me for looking at pictures and researching you without your permission. I was just curious and I deeply apologize for the sin I have committed against you. I had no entinitions of hurting you or harming you. I was also unaware of that I needed your permission for this. I deeply apologize for any pain or suffering I may have caused you. I hope you can forgive me for what I have done.
And have a good day.
Me (HMT)
Dear Robert I apologize for researching you online I did not mean to offend you in anyway and I ask for your forgiveness…
Dear Robert,
I was not fully aware that I shouldn’t look at pictures of you online. I am truly sorry and i ask for your forgiveness. I have not come to cause harm or ill will.
Dear Robert, I’m really sorry for looking at your pictures/searching about you. I did not mean to offend you in any way. Please, forgive me.
Dear Robert, please forgive me for researching and looking at your pictures without your permission forgive me.
Robert I apologize for looking and researching about you and your story. I was not fully aware of how this would offend you. I am sorry for not asking for your permission and hope that I receive your forgiveness.
Forgive me, I meant no harm.
Dear Robert, I am sorry for researching you online and I do not mean to offend you in anyway. I ask for your forgiveness please.
Dear Robert I apologize for researching you online I did not mean to offend you. Please forgive me
Dear Robert, I didn’t mean to offend you or do anything to harm so I am sorry for searching you and I ask for your forgiveness.
Dear Robert,
I am very sorry I saw your pictures online and researched you without permission. I had no idea how much this would offend you. Please accept my apology.
Dear Robert,
I apologise again, I posted a comment earlier and once finished, the page reset and the photo from the top of this article popped up on accident.
Please forgive me,
Dear Robert, I apologize for viewing toy online without your permission I was simply curious after seeing a trailer for “lore” I hope you can forgive me I did not mean to offend you.
Dear Robert I apologize for researching you and viewing you online without your permission I hope you can accept my apology.
dear robert, i apologize for researching you after ive seen advertisement for “lore” and also seeing many youtube videos about you. please forgive me. please dont curse me
Dear Robert I’m sorry I researched and looked at photos of you without your permission I hope you can forgive me I was just curious about the history behind you
Dear Robert,
I did not wish to offend you and if I did I am very sorry.
I asked permission to view this page from afar, but don’t know if that permission was granted and did proceed on reading this article. By no means did I mean to offend you, please forgive me dear Robert as I only wish the best for you.
Please forgive me if you were offended and do not curse me.
Dear Robert, i deeply apologize for researching you online, and viewing your picture without first asking permission. I hope that you can spare me, and i ask for your forgiveness. Please don’t harm me, or my family. Thank you for reading.
Dear Robert,
i’m sorry for researching you because i was just curious and sorry also for looking at your photos without your permission.i am sorry.please don’t curse me.
Dear Robert,
I’m very sorry for looking up information about you and viewing pictures of you without your permission. I didn’t mean to offend you, I was curious.
Dear Robert, I apologize for researching you without your permission. Your story was on Instagram and I got curious. Please forgive me and I deeply apologize if I offended you.
Dear Robert,
I apologize for researching you online & viewing your pictures as well as reading this article without your permission. I hope I did not mean to offend you in any way, please take this apology and do not harm me & my family.
Dear Robert,
I am verry sorry for reaserching you without permission i was merely curious about you. Please do not harm me or my family for i am sorry and i ask your forgiveness.
Dear Robert
I am very sorry for researching and looking at pictures of you without your permission, and sharing them with my friend. Please forgive both of us, we were merely curious and meant no harm.
dear robert,i didn’t mean to affend you please don’t harm me or my family.
Dear Robert,
I’m sorry for looking you up . I was bored and decided to look you up . Didn’t mean no harm . Please don’t harm me , and I didn’t know you had to ask permission to look you up .
Dear Robert, im sorry for researching you without your permission please forgive me dont hurt me or my family i am sorry
Dear Robert,
I’m sorry for researching you online without your permission. Please don’t hurt me or my family I ask for your forgiveness.
Dear Robert, I visited you in key west. I was so honored and amazed. Please cause no harm upon my family. I was curious about your history and was interested. I’m very sorry.
Dear Robert I am utterly sorry for searching you with out
Your permission please don’t harm or cause misfortune to me, my family or loved ones. I’m just curious on why not to take pictures without your approval and how you would not grant access. I knew nothing about you and wanted to know more. I’m so sorry.
Dear Robert,
I’m sorry for looking you up, I didn’t mean offend you in any way, I was just interested in learning more about you. Hope you can forgive me.
Dear Robert,
I am sorry for researching you without asking. Do forgive me if I offended or made you upset in some form or way. I beg for your forgiveness. Please don’t place any sort of bad thing on me or my family.
Dear Robert,
I am sorry for looking you up without permission and I hope you accept this apology I am very very sorry
Dear Robert
I am really sorry for searching you up without permission i was just intrested in who you are because of omar im really sorry please forgive me
Dear Robert, Please forgive me and my student. We are working on a research paper, thank you.
Dear Robert, I’m sorry I researched you without your permission I was curious about you and what happened cause I keep hearing about you and I wanted to see what your about and everything please accept my apology and forgive me.
I’m sorry Robert the doll please don’t hurt me or my family I’m sorry for looking you up without your permission
Dear robert,
Im sorry looking you up without your permission. I hope you forgive me. I didn’t mean to offend you in anyway shape or form.
I’m sorry for looking u up without permission
I’m sorry Robert the doll, please don’t hurt me or my family. I’m sorry for looking you up without your permission.
Dear Robert I apologize for reading about you in this article. Believe me it was not my intention to do so. I just came upon this article by accident and the title got me curious. Please don’t harm or curse me or any of my loved ones. I’m sorry.
Dear Robert,
I apologize for searching you online out of curiosity, I hope not to offend you in anyway and I ask for your forgiveness
Undskyld robert for at have slået dig op. Håber du kan tilgive mig.
Dear Robert
I don’t mean to offend or insult you in any way shape or form and ask for your forgiveness
Kære Robert. Undskyld jeg kiggede på billedet af dig uden og få lov. Undskyld
Dear Robert,
I apologize for researching you without your permission. I saw information about you on a TV show and was just curious. You have my sincerest apologies and respect. Please don’t curse me or my family members.
I’m sorry Robert the doll, please don’t hurt me or my family. I’m sorry for looking you up without your permission.
Im sorry for reading about you in this. I was told of your story and wanted to know of your story. I did not mean to offend you or disrespect you in any way. Please forgive me and please do not harm or curse me or my family in anyway. Im only coming to you with full respect.
Robert, I’m very sorry for looking you up on the internet.
I promise I won’t do it again if it bothers you.
Please accept my apologies.
Dear Robert,
I’m sorry for researching you without your consent. I was simply curious about you and your history. I hope you can forgive me.
Dear Robert. I’m very sorry that I keep looking at videos, images and articles about you. I’m just curious and want to know more about you. Curiosity just got the best of me. Please accept my apology and forgive me
Dear Robert, I’m sorry I researched you without your permission I was curious about you and what happened cause I keep hearing about you and I wanted to see what your about and everything please accept my apology and forgive me.
Dear Robert Im very sorry for researching stuff about you i just think your stories are awesome and really cool i would love to have you as a friend your a g bro. Nick Farr
Dear Robert,
I am truly sorry for viewing your photos without your permission. I found out about you through a video and got curious about you, i looked you up out of respect and it was never my intention to offend you or cause you any trouble. I am so sorry.
Please accept my apology.
Dear Robert,
I am deeply sorry for looking you up and looking at pictures of you without your permission. I find your story interesting. Please forgive me
Dear Robert,
I am truly sorry for viewing your pictures of you online without your permission. I accidentally stumbled upon your pictures. Please forgive me. Please don’t hurt me, my family, or my loved ones.
Dear Robert
My sincerest apologies for viewing pictures and information of you I was not aware of this being disrespectful my upmost apologies.
Dear Robert.
I am sorry for not writing and asking permission to view your photos. I was curious about you as I had seen a a article about you on Facebook and wanted to know more. I am sorry if I have offended you at anyway.
From Margaret
Dear Robert
I am sorry for viewing photos of you as I was curious about your history, please forgive me and my family and I am once again sorry if I have offended you
dear Robert,are you alive
Im sorry for viewing your pictures and story without your permission Robert.
I’m sorry robert for reading about u plzz forgive me and my family.
I am sorry Robert…..i did not ask first!!
Sorry Robert for viewing with out your permission.please forgive
i am sorry robert for viewing and reading about you online. please forgive me
Sorry Robert, I didn’t do **** wrong but this is kinda freaky and i don’t want you getting out of that chair. Cool story though.
im sorry robert if i wan to know you and im proud of you. stay cool buddy
I did not ask to learn your story first or view your photograph please forgive me Robert.
I’m sorry Robert for speaking your name to be told to my friends about you. Please forgive me.
I did not ask to learn your story first or view your photograph please forgive me Robert.
Dear Robert,
I’m sorry for reading and watching videos without your permission. Please forgive me.
I did not learn your story or view pictures of you without any permission.
I am sorry Robert
Dear Robert, I’m so very sorry for reading and viewing videos of you without permission. I am truely sorry.
Dear Robert, I am sorry for viewing pictures online of you and seeing pictures my friend took of you i am deeply sorry and i hope you can lift me of this curse.
Dear Robert,
I’m sorry for viewing your photographs posted online without your permission, I just wanted to know about your history and I don’t doubt you.
Sorry for viewing your picture online without your permission. You see, I have a strange and unexplainable interest for curses caused or manifested by dolls.
i am sorry for everything i did and said robert please forgive me
Sorry Robert I came across you online and found your story intersenting. Sorry again
I’m sorry for viewing pictures of you Robert I was interested and wanted to know more about you and the curse please take away the curse
I am sorry Robert. I was just curious about your history. Please forgive me!
I am so Robert I never meant to offended you in any way.
Robert sorry for viewing you pictures online I never heard of you and found interest my apology’s
Dear Robert I truly am deeply sorry for not asking your permission when reading and researching about your story and viewing pictures. Again I’m deeply sorry and I hope that you forgive me.
Robert, I am deeply sorry for looking up your images and story online. I found your story very interesting and intended absolutely no disrespect. Please forgive me for it and allow my life to go back to normal.
Thank you.
I am so sorry.
I ask you for forgiveness. I am sorry on behalf of myself and others who have offended you that I brought to know your story.
Sorry I block out your image. This is solely because I am not sure if looking at your pictures is disrespectful by doing it without permission. I keep apologizing and I hope this isn’t a nuisance. I’m sorry it I lied or did anything upsetting. Definitely not the intention. Very very sorry.
I am sorry for reading your articles. I am sorry for seeing images and I am sorry for thinking about you. Please understand I have intrusive thoughts and do not mean anything by them.
Dear Robert, Im really really sorry for researching and viewing your pictures through google without permission I just think youre fascinating please accept my apology have a wonderful day!
I’m sorry Robert.
So sorry Robert to see your article.please forgive my this mistake.I promise that I never do this type of mistake.
Robert the doll is not real he is fake but I been to Ottawa before but I did not see the fort east martella museum. Robert is not real we don’t need his permission
I’m sorry Robert for researching articles about you and looking at your photos without your permission. Please forgive me. Thank you and have a great day..
i’m sorry robert please forgive me
I am sorry if I did anything wrong when I met you Robert. And I am sorry for researching you further.
I am sorry Robert for looking up articles and photos about you , I just wanted to learn about you . I am sorry forgive me
Im sorry for looking you up with my friend.
Sorry Robert for reading about you online, no disrespect was intended
Im sorry Robert.
I’m sorry Robert for looking up at you’re photos and not asking permission. I hope you the best wishes
Hi Robert, I am sorry I viewed your pictures online without your permission. Just wanted to learn about your story
I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to disrespect you in any way. Please forgive me. I didn’t know I needed permission
I’m sorry for looking at your photos, Robert, without permission.
Hi, Robert. I’m sorry I looked at your pictures online without your permission. Please forgive me. XOXO
I’m sorry Robert for looking at your photo without permission.
I’m so sorry Robert for looking at your pictures online please forgive me I was just so interested in your story
I am sorry Robert for looking at your photo without permission. Please forgive me.
Sorry robert
I’m sorry Robert in no way I was trying to offend you by looking at your pictures online my true intentions were getting to know more about you. I’m real sorry.
Robert I’m sorry for looking at picturesque of you online you are very interesting and I would love to meet you please don’t curse me I beg you 😇
Robert I am sorry if I offended you in any way shape or form please forgive me and wish you nothing but the best.
I’m sorry Robert I took your photo without permission and looked at your photos online
Robert I am sorry I’ve seen photos and videos of you online please forgive me
Hello, Robert. Sorry for looking at your picture without your permission. Please forgive me!
I’m sorry for looking at these pictures without your permission Robert, I didn’t know about this rule of yours and I hope you can forgive me. I wish you well ^^
That kind of scared me, I’m not going to lie. I actually think Robert is a cool doll. I don’t think he is evil. Maybe he is just sad and gets disappointed when people lose his trust by taking a photo of him without his permission.this is just my opinion, not to make anyone mad. Even though he isn’t human, he still has a personal bubble.
Sorry if I wasn’t supposed to look at the photos without your permission Robert. My brother is sorry too we didn’t know we just found out.sorry….
I’m sorry Robert. I heard about you through a friend and I wanted to read for myself about you. I’m sorry
Hi Robert, I’m sorry for viewing a photo of you online without permission, I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to, I thought it was only if I took a photo of you, not viewed, I am deeply sorry, please forgive me
im sorry Robert
Robert i am very sorry about reading about you and looking at your pictures
Sorry for looking at your picture Robert. Please forgive me.
Dear Robert,
I apologies for viewing a photo of you without your permission, please do not curse me, also I hope that most viewers feel the same way again
Sorry for reading about you, and looking at your photos online. I mean no disrespect to you, Robert the Doll. Please forgive me.
Dear Robert,
I’m sorry for looking you up online without permission. I was merely interested and I’m doing a project. Please don’t hurt my friends or family.
I’m sorry Robert for looking you up without permission. Please don’t hurt me or any of my family members.
Dear Robert, I am terribly sorry for looking you up and viewing you on an online photograph without your permission, please don’t hurt me or any of my family members, I wish you well.
I apologize for looking at your picture Robert. I was explaining your story to my husband.
I’m sorry for looking at photos of you. Please don’t hurt me, I’m very sorry.
My dearest apologize for you Robert for observing you on this website.
I’m so sorry. I saw a comment on this article, and I didn’t understand it and was curious what it meant, so I clicked on the story. As soon as I realized you didn’t want your picture taken or to be viewed, I tried as hard as I could not to look at the photograph. I didn’t even scroll all the way up. I just saw the thumbnail. I respect a desire to not want to be viewed without your permission. Everyone and everything should have a right to privacy. Please forgive me. I hope you and all of us find peace. I didn’t read the story because I don’t want to violate you, but I genuinely hope you forgive me and I’m sorry if I misunderstood. Please forgive our ignorance. Please forgive me. I genuinely, sincerely apologize. Thank you.
I’m sorry Robert. I was just curious and I didn’t realize you didn’t want your picture to be viewed.
I’m really sorry.
I’m sorry for viewing your photo without your permission Robert. Please forgive me.
i’m sorry robert.
I’m so sorry Robert me and my sisters were curious and saw the picture. I respect your privacy and wouldn’t want to disrespect it. Please forgive me and my sisters.
Im sorry for looking or researching about you Robert I was just curious and I wasn’t aware we had to ask permission please forgive me
Dear Robert,
I am very sorry to have witnessed your photo without permission. I am sorry for any thoughts, words, actions, feelings, and emotions that I have ever had and that have disrespected you. I am very sorry for researching about you. I am truly sorry for any disrespect and wrongdoing. I apologize, please forgive me.
Brandy Fanning
Robert, I am so sorry for looking at your pictures and researching you without your permission. I have nothing but respect for you. I am truly sorry. Please forgive me.
I am sorry Robert, please forgive me for researching about you and seeing pictures of you without your permission.
Dear Robert,
I am so sorry Robert, please forgive me for researching about you and seeing pictures of you without your permission. I would not do it again. I’m sorry.
I’m sorry, Robert
I’m sorry Robert I saw people posting about you and wanted to find out who you were. Please forgive me for researching you and looking at pictures of you.
I’m sorry if I disrespected you Robert the doll. I didn’t mean to look you up on the internet and accidentally see a peek of a YouTube video about you without your permission. Please don’t hurt me or anyone else because of me. I am very sorry, I did not mean to offend you.