Mandela Effect
A (New) Look At John Titor’s Predictions
As I wrote nearly eight years ago, “John Titor’s story was painted in the dulcet, midnight colors of Coast to…
The Universe Glitches Out in This Trailer for The Mandela Effect (2019)
It’s been a few years now since the Berenst#in Bears Problem and the Mandela Effect broke the Internet. I guess…
The Shaza(a)m Problem: Mandela Effect Strikes Again
There’s always something new and exciting going on in the wonderful world of the Mandela Effect. This time, we have…
More Strange Examples of the Mandela Effect
It’s been quite a few months since the Internet had its collective nervous breakdown over the fact that the Berenstein…
The Mandela Effect: More Proof of Parallel Universes?
As a follow-up to my post on the Berenst#in Bears problem, I thought this was worth sharing. Yesterday, I found myself over at…
The Berenst#in Bears Problem: Are We Living In An Alternate Worldline?
A couple months ago, someone left an innocuous comment on my post 4 Weird “Clues” that Parallel Universes Exist. The…