
How to Break a Connection With a Ouija Board

Spirit communication dos and don'ts

What should you do with a Ouija board once you’re finished using it?

While researching my post on Zozo, the Ouija board demon, I came across some interesting advice about what a person should do once he or she decides to end spirit communication. How do you break that connection with the other side?

Closing the Connection

There are certain rules you should follow when dealing with a Ouija board, or so I’ve heard. One is that you should never use it in your house. Another is to never allow the planchette to move forwards or backwards through every letter of the alphabet or every number — a trick Zozo allegedly uses to escape the board.

But the rule in question here is perhaps the most important one of all: make sure the planchette hits “Goodbye” before ending your session.

Failure to do so may lead to unintended consequences, like an angry spirit overstaying its welcome. If a dark entity does cross your path, sever the connection with the Ouija board immediately. Tell the spirit you no longer wish to speak with it, and if it refuses, force the planchette to “Goodbye” yourself. Then remove the planchette from the board.

This should break the connection, and the Ouija board should be “closed.” Store it by wrapping the planchette in cloth, separate from the board. Then, put them together in a safe place.

But what if you no longer want the Ouija board around?

Never burn it. It’s said that doing so would mean you’d be haunted forever. Instead, if you’d like to get rid of the Ouija board entirely, bury it in the ground (some recommend cutting it up into seven pieces before doing so, some don’t), and remember to keep the board and the planchette separated. Sprinkle the ground above with Holy Water, and also use some to cleanse the area where you used the board.

Despite all of this, there are others who claim that once a connection with the spirit world is made, it can never be undone. Your fate, from the moment you use a Ouija board, is bound to the other side.


Rob Schwarz

Writer, blogger, and part-time peddler of mysterious tales. Editor-in-chief of Stranger Dimensions.

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