
An Artificial Jellyfish Made Of Rat Heart Cells

Bioengineer Kevin Kit Parker of Harvard University and his team of scientists at the California Institute of Technology have successfully created a “jellyfish-like creature,” what they call a Medusoid, out of rat heart cells and a silicone film.

“In this video, the team explains how and why they developed a technology that turns silicone rubber and lab-grown muscle tissue into jellyfish-like fluid pumps and swimmers — advancing the design of muscular pumps for biomedical applications.”

The “creature” moves thanks to a pulsating electric current generated in its saltwater tank. Watch the above video with excitement (or terror) as Frankenstein’s Jellyfish swims around and stuff.

Now, you may be wondering what the point of a pseudo-jellyfish made out of heart cells could be. Actually, it may be used to help scientists study the movements of real jellyfish, or the various aspects of the heart muscle itself.

Or they could just use it as a really awesome fishing bait.

What’s next? A jellyfish made out of human heart muscles, of course!


Rob Schwarz

Writer, blogger, and part-time peddler of mysterious tales. Editor-in-chief of Stranger Dimensions.