Time Travel
Strange stories of would-be time travelers, time traveling tourists, and other matters of space and time.
Author Wonders If Some Missing People May Have Slipped Through Time
We’ve all heard the old stories of time slips — the Moberly-Jourdain Incident, Victor Goddard’s strange flight, the numerous alleged…
TikTok Time Traveler Says We’re About to Find a Cloned Earth
According to a post by the Daily Star, a TikTok time traveler claims astronauts are about to find human life…
John Titor: 20 Years Ago Yesterday
Real time traveler or not, the most believable part of John Titor’s story was his eventual return to the year…
‘Paradox-free Time Travel Is Theoretically Possible’ Claims University Study
A new study out of the University Of Queensland attempts to explain how paradox-free time travel may be possible. Undergraduate…
Tempus Edax Rerum
Tempus Edax Rerum is a Latin phrase which translates to “time devours all things.” Tangentially related to the alleged time…
Worldline Convergence: 2020 Olympics Postponed
Today the International Olympic Committee announced that the 2020 Olympics have been pushed back to at least next year. According…
Rudolph Fentz: An Extraordinary Voyage Through Time
Imagine if you went out for a relaxing walk one night, only for a tear to form in the fabric…
A (New) Look At John Titor’s Predictions
As I wrote nearly eight years ago, “John Titor’s story was painted in the dulcet, midnight colors of Coast to…
John Titor: The Time Traveler from the Year 2036
John Titor was an alleged time traveler from the year 2036, who shared detailed information about his time machine, mission,…
What Is Alter Vu?
Alter vu is a term that describes the feeling of remembering something differently, or experiencing visions or dreams of events…