[Trailer] Nandor Fodor and the Talking Mongoose
They’re making a movie about what? In the 1930s at Cashen’s Gap on the Isle Of Man, a family claimed…
[Trailer] Explore the Lost Continent of Mu In Expedition Agartha
If there’s one thing I like, it’s Agartha popping up in random video games. So here’s a teaser trailer for…
The Oreo Offering: Do Aliens Prefer Double Stuf?
I don’t really know what’s going on with the sudden UFO hysteria, but it looks like OREO cookies of all…
HBO Max Creates ‘Modern’ Trailer for The Exorcist
I know I just shared the warnings of a professional exorcist that horror movies might cause demonic possession, especially ones…
Professional Exorcist: Horror Movies Can Give You Demons
Next time you’re watching your favorite horror movie on Netflix, you might want to check for demonic possession afterwards. According…
The 7 Classes Of Paranormal Entities, According to The Ghostbusters
The thing I’ve always liked about the Ghostbusters is that they treat ghost hunting like it’s pest control. They’re New…
Upcoming Documentary Will Look Back at the Mystery of Elisa Lam
Nearly eight years ago, we learned of the macabre mystery of Elisa Lam, who vanished in February 2013 only to…
An Incredible Milky Way Timelapse Over the Frisco UFO
Photographer Wes Snyder shared a two-minute timelapse video on February 18, showcasing a stunning view of the Milky Way over…
Things Get Nostalgic In New Ghostbusters: Afterlife Trailer
Hey, look at that – the trailer for next year’s Ghostbusters: Afterlife dropped today. It’s packed full of all sorts…
The Universe Glitches Out in This Trailer for The Mandela Effect (2019)
It’s been a few years now since the Berenst#in Bears Problem and the Mandela Effect broke the Internet. I guess…