
All I Want For Christmas Is The Higgs Boson

Physicists at CERN may have observed the ghost of the Higgs Boson at 125 GeV.

This would be an exciting development for multiple reasons: The Higgs Boson is the hypothetical particle said to give all other particles their mass, and finding it would be a giant leap in our understanding of the universe.

According to viXra log, although CERN is understandably hesitant to comment on the matter, “the consistency of the rumours [they] have suggest that they are genuine.”

If true — if the Higgs Boson were to be found at 125 GeV — this would indicate that it possesses a lighter mass than originally suggested by our Standard Model of physics. This low mass would, in turn, lead to some very odd (troubling) possibilities:

“…the universe could in theory spontaneously explode at some point releasing huge amounts of energy as it fell into a more stable lower energy vacuum state.”

Don’t panic: Something like that wouldn’t necessarily happen. Rather, this new data may suggest that our current understanding of physics could very likely be replaced by other theories, perhaps supersymmetry. That is, of course, only if the Higgs Boson were definitively discovered at 125 GeV.

As it is, a 125 GeV Higgs sits right at the edge between a discovery that would require new physics to explain, and a discovery that should make everyone kind of paranoid. Obviously, more data will need to be collected.

The results of the recent experiments will be released during a meeting on December 13 (which you can watch via webcast if their servers can handle the traffic), and although official statements from CERN state that they’re “unlikely to reveal conclusive evidence,” this still has the potential to be an exciting step forward in the search for the elusive Higgs Boson.


Rob Schwarz

Writer, blogger, and part-time peddler of mysterious tales. Editor-in-chief of Stranger Dimensions.

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