Why A Rocket Launchpad Is No Place For A Frog
On September 6, 2013, NASA’s LADEE spacecraft launched into orbit from the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. It was not…
Keen Eyes Spot Lizard, Squirrel on Mars
There’s a lot of weird stuff on Mars, if certain individuals on the Internet are to be believed. We’ve already…
NASA Grants Funding for Food Printer, Orders A Pizza
NASA has just awarded a $125,000 grant to Anjan Contractor to create a 3D printer that prints…food. The printer, based…
Evidence Of Fossilized Vertebrae Found On Mars?
You know, I just can’t help perusing conspiracy forums now and then. It’s where all the cool people hang out.…
A Crash Course In Galaxy Collisions
Don’t make any plans for about four billion years from now. That’s when our distant neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy, will…
Why The World Didn’t End Yesterday
Does anyone know how to get a refund on a $2 million underground bunker? Oh. You know, you may think…
Scientists Puzzled By Mysterious Rock Formation On Mars
Scientists aren’t sure what to make of these peculiar rock formations on the surface of Mars, seen above in an…
Ends Of The World: Gamma-Ray Bursts
There’s something out there. Something that happens every day. If it were to happen at the right distance, and point…
Ends Of The World: Rogue Planets
Have you heard of Planet X? Some call it Nibiru, others the red planet Hercolubus, or simply the Destroyer of…
The “Big Rip,” Coming Soon(er) To A Universe Near You
Most physicists thought, if it happened, the “Big Rip” would occur in about 20 billion years. That’s when they predicted our constantly…