Back to the Future
GM Unveils Plans for Flying Cadillac Air Taxi
Last month at 2021’s virtual Consumer Electronics Show, General Motors unveiled their plans for an eVTOL Cadillac air taxi. That…
5 Ways You Can (Virtually) Time Travel Today
So today was Back to the Future Day — the future date that Doc and Marty visited in Back to…
Check Out These Two Back to the Future Documentaries on Kickstarter
Would you believe that, right now, there are not one but two Back to the Future documentaries on Kickstarter? It’s…
NASA Grants Funding for Food Printer, Orders A Pizza
NASA has just awarded a $125,000 grant to Anjan Contractor to create a 3D printer that prints…food. The printer, based…
Top 10 Fictional Time Machines
Time travel. It’s something that exists in a narrow region between science and fantasy. Maybe it’s theoretically possible, maybe it’s…
The DeLorean Time Machine Gets A New Coat Of Paint
I’ve seen two of the DeLorean time machines up close: the one at Universal Studios Orlando (which was starting to…
Time Travel
Were John Titor’s ‘Predictions’ Based On Science Fiction?
On November 2, 2000, an individual began posting at an old website called the Time Travel Institute, a forum dedicated…