Ancient Aliens
Google Maps Anomalies: An Alien Face in Antarctica
Every day, anomaly hunters are busy at work scouring the deepest darkest depths of Google Earth to uncover the strangest…
Mysterious Handbags Depicted On Ancient Statues
A strange video ponders the nature of what appear to be bags and their prominent depictions in ancient Mesopotamian and…
The Wedge of Aiud: An Aluminum Mystery
There are many legends that tend to surface now and again. They’re dubious, lack sources, and have images attached to…
Time Travel
Does the Glorification of the Eucharist Contain Evidence of Time Travel?
Painted around 1600 A.D. by the artist Ventura Salimbeni, the Glorification of the Eucharist (or Esaltation of the Eucaristy) has in recent years…
The Madonna with Saint Giovannino: An Unidentified Anomaly?
The Madonna with Saint Giovannino was painted in the 15th Century, and is often attributed to artist Domenico Ghirlandaio. It’s…
Yesterday's Myths & Mysteries
Vaimānika Shāstra: The Curious History of the Ancient Indian Flying Machines
A few years ago, reports surfaced on the Internet of a “vimana” discovered by the United States military in a…
Do These Artifacts Contain Evidence Of Ancient Aliens?
Were our ancient ancestors visited by alien beings from another world? It’s certainly an interesting idea, one that has reentered…