While not technically a map “anomaly,” here’s a mapped collection of reported UFO sightings and other unidentified phenomena reported around Southeast Asia, compiled by BETA-UFO Indonesia:
“We came out of a hall to see what the commotion was all about and I saw a round blue disc in the sky…It turned green a few seconds later.” – July 18, 2010 sighting in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Some of the sightings date as far back as 1942, when a Royal Netherlands Navy cruiser encountered a “large aluminum disk” above the Timor Sea. Allegedly, it…
“…flew towards the ship at tremendous speed. The UFO then circled high above the Dutch vessel for about three to four hours.”
A few of the more interesting ones describe mysterious lights from the sea and Unidentified Submerged Objects, such as a “strange moon-like light” emanating from the ocean near Singapore.