NASA has discovered the “heartbeat” of what may be the smallest black hole ever recorded.
The mass of the black hole places it “near the theoretical minimum mass required for a black hole to be stable,” and it was discovered by measuring the steady “heartbeat” of x-rays emanating from the binary star system IGR J17091-3624.
Black Holes And Time Travel
Within every black hole is predicted to be a gravitational singularity, an area “where the quantities that are used to measure the gravitational field become infinite in a way that does not depend on the coordinate system.” A region of infinite density.
You would not survive an encounter with a normal black hole containing a singularity. It has, however, been theorized that a specific type of black hole, the theoretical Kerr black hole, could be used to safely travel through time.
Singularities and black holes played a major role in the narrative of John Titor. According to his story, the discovery of microsingularities, extremely tiny black holes, would have occurred at CERN around the year 2001. This obviously didn’t happen, but his 2.5% multiverse divergence allowed for the possibility of different results.
Recent breakthroughs at CERN, such as potentially faster-than-light neutrinos and a quick glimpse of the Higgs Boson, may allow us to suspend our disbelief for just a bit longer.
Now, if only we can discover a black hole small enough to fit into a box in the back of a Chevrolet.